Your comments

Dear User,

New version with fix is available, please clear cache and refresh page. 

Feel free to contact us in case issue still persists.

Thank you for reporting and using SqlDBM.

Team SqlDBM

Dear User,

Sorry for the inconvenience, the problem occurred on the latest version of chrome Chrome 90.0.4430.72

If possible, please use another browser. We are working on the problem.


Team SqlDBM

We converted this reply to separate ticket

Thank you for your assistance,

SqlDBM Team

I think this is good idea. We will discuss it with our team.

Thank you for your assistance,

SqlDBM Team

Thank you so much for your idea. Would you please elaborate more? Do you mean like a ready to go model?
Best regards, Team SqlDBM

Dear user
Thank you for the report, good point, we will work on it

SqlDBM Team

Dear User,

Good news, new version with Crow's foot notation is available.

Support Team - SqlDBM