
Change width of table edit window in order to see full column names

troy thomsen 3 months ago updated by hannah gryska 3 months ago 3

Is there a way to change the width of the table edit popup window so you can actually see all the full column names? It doesn't seem to be adjustable, or maybe I am missing a setting somewhere? It is hard to work with and edit tables with longer column names. 

Satisfaction mark by troy thomsen 3 months ago

Hi Troy, thank you for your question. This is a good point! Unfortunately, at this time, we do not offer the ability to widen this edit window, but on the right-hand side, the submenu does show the column name and you can edit it there as well (as shown on screenshot). You do have to click on each individual column to showcase this in the submenu though. I'll pass this along to our Product team to showcase the enhancement. Thank you again.

Image 3453

Yes, but to me that's a lot of extra clicking around to find the column you want to edit. 

Thanks for the reply. I'm going to submit this to the 'ideas' forum. 

Thank you so much!! (I personally really appreciate you doing that - so thank you!)