
forward engineer

Dheric Seney 6 months ago updated by hannah gryska 6 months ago 4

Is there a way to forward engineer a table without the comments, and is there a way to forward engineer queries for only table comments?

Under review

Hi Dheric,

Thank you for reaching out to support. We have multiple ways on how you will be able to extract DDL. Can you please confirm the desired goal and why are we trying to get this? 

1) create statements for a table
2) get comments for a table

This will help me understand the use case better to provide a solution on how you can achieve this. 

Retinder Labana


I would like to create statements for a table that do not include column comments from the data dictionary.

I would like to create statements that will add comments for columns from the data dictionary

Hi Dheric,

Just to understand I believe your end goal is to be able to add descriptions to any and all objects thats are missing comments. 

You can do this 2 ways
1) The Database Documentation page will give you a list of all the oebjects if they are populated or not
2) Create an Excel export of your Database documentation and filter based on the blank comments. 
2.1) identify objects that have no comments
2.2) populate them
2.3) save the comments
2.4) upload it back into the tool

Please let me know if this helped you or not.

Retinder Labana


Hi Dheric, I hope the above helped you! Please let us know if we can answer any further questions.